Fifa 11 Ultimate Team Tips

Fifa has become more popular over the years and because of the introduction of high speed internet Fifa skill has been rising. The norm these days is to do hard skills , but a novice simply can’t keep out up with all these news skills and tactics to do , and some get slaughtered online.

We’re going to show all the novices online how to become better Fifa players.Now , Lets get down to it!

You’re first step is to get some good players and contracts , these will help you out allot because they can score from long distances , so you don’t have to go through his well though all defence.

Simply go into the market/store and find some Gold contracts for your players , (increases their skill.) Set the type to “Gold” and set up a price of 200 coins. As these cards are very much in use they’re grabbed with in seconds-you’re best bet is to head to the end of the pile and buy out the one their as the chances are that the ones at the top of the pile are likely to of been brought out all ready-This should help you out with shooting.

Our next tip for Fifa 11 Ultimate Team is: saving up coins , although quite hard in Fifa it can be done. When any of your players get injured or have run out of contracts simply put them on the bench and replace with one of your silver/Bronze players.

Fifa 11 Ultimate Team Tips | Cheatsa considerable amount of  coins you could start to think about buying some silver or Gold packs depending on the amount of coins or Microsoft Points you have. Yes , You can basicly cheat In Fifa ultimate team by “Buying” your team. In a Gold pack you can even get contracts which you can sell on for money coins , In theory you could get some rare players and sell the players and contracts you don’t want to use.

Our last tip it to play tournaments , with each one you can get thousands of coins and you even get a match bonus each time you play a match , this is the undiscovered gold mine In Fifa 11 Ultimate Team-take full advantage of this tip , as it can you earn you loads of coins to buy players and contracts for online use and to show off to your friends. Now a days some people even sell sell players for Microsoft Points! Some you could be having fun and earning $$.


FIFA 11 Ultimate Team: Free Kick Tutorial


Most people In Fifa 11 Ultimate Team don’t know how to score an easy set piece. Some even struggle with free kicks that are only a few yards away from the penalty spot. In Fifa 11 free kicks have been made 10x easier because of the introduction of personalised players. We have complied “Three steps to a successfully score a free kick”


Choice your player

This is the most important step in the free kick – some players have different attributes for free Kicks. For example Ronaldo has a higher chance of scoring a free kick that is a long way out. When other players like to take the free kick from and awkward position – such as parallel to the Goal Line.


Type of Free Kick

In Fifa their are many different types of free Kicks , they can be used form many different situations. The driven shot is the best one to use in most of your situations. Whats more the driven shot is best used for long distance shots and because most free kicks in Fifa 11  are from long distances , this can be fatal to your online opponent Coin stack. To do This shot you need hold

LB/L1 and Hold B/O , intill it gets to 3/4 of the power bar.

Step 3.

Where to aim

This is probably the most crucial step in taking a free kick , because with out this you’re sure to fail. To aim a free Kick you need to know which type you’re doing. If you’re going to curve the ball in you’re going to have to leave some room to do that…

The best Method it to align up your sightline with the left hand side goal post. This makes the ball curve and has the highest chance of scoring a Goal!

But sometimes you need to hit long distance free kicks , which require a different technique- This technique is the “Stumble”

Perhaps the hardest skill to do In Fifa 11 , but it has it’s reward’s. This skills makes the Goal kepper dive before you’ve actually hit the ball. Although  a Good player can hit it every time for a Novice it could be a hard skill. To do this skill you need to make sure you’re about 30-40 yards away from the goal. Then Hold down Right Bumber and Left trigger while holding down shoot. Your player should start to take the kick , but just as he takes the kick he will stop and hopefully you should see the Goal kepper dive , Your next Step is to shoot.
